Staff Directory
Area code (504) unless noted.
Last, First | Title | Telephone | Facsimile | |
Aguilar, Mary | Human Resources | 363-1712 | 363-1706 | |
Broome, Jerry | Commander of Field Operations | 363-1815 | 363-1706 | |
Burmaster, Sonny | Commander of Reserve Bureau | 363-1700 | 363-1706 | |
Champagne, Dean | Day Watch Patrol Commander | 363-1715 | 363-1706 | |
Cuny, Allison | Administrative Assistant (Chief) | 363-1700 | 363-1725 | |
DiMarco, Jason |
Deputy Chief of Police |
363-1700 | 363-1725 | |
Disler, Joey | Commander of Training Bureau | 363-1718 | 363-1725 | |
Dugas, Shannon | Commander of Security Bureau | 364-3983 | 364-3985 | |
Goodwin, Joey | Commander of Technology Bureau | 363-1587 | 363-1725 | |
Haas, Tracy | Administrative Assistant (Deputy Chief) | 363-1700 | 363-1725 | |
Lawson, Arthur | Chief of Police | 363-1700 | 363-1725 | |
Newby, Corey | Night Watch Commander | 363-1715 | 363-1706 | |
Thurman, Grey | Commander of Criminal Investigations | 363-1480 | 363-1724 | |